i like to try new things.

I have a hard time staying in boxes. I like to play with platform and story format to share quality content and stories that matter.



beverly hills view:

I currently work as a producer for Beverly Hills View, a local television talk show featuring a variety of hosts and guests engaged in conversations about community programs, influential people and city events. Some of my favorite episodes include this one with Assemblymember Autumn Burke and this one with Beverly Hills Board of Education candidates Rachelle Marcus and Tristen Walker-Shuman.



As an Outreach Intern at the Student Press Law Center, I produced the organization’s monthly podcast on media and freedom of information. Some examples of episodes I edited include this January 2016 episode about the future of college media, this March 2016 episode about engaging students in democracy and voting, and this April 2016 podcast about how 990 forms can be used to conduct campus investigations.