i use the internet to make cool things.

I’m passionate about harnessing the power of digital media to put together inspiring packages and connect people wherever they are. Basically, I love the internet and strive every day to understand it and use it in new, dynamic ways for journalism.



  • I managed the digital production and roll-out of Thomas Curwen’s longform series about the new Wilshire Grand hotel in downtown Los Angeles. Check it out here.

  • I used a combination of video, photography and social media embeds to help tell the story of how Taylor Swift helped Funboy floats take over summer (or at least Instagram) in 2017.

  • O.J. Simpson's life has captivated the nation for decades. When he had his parole hearing in July 2017, it only made sense to create a timeline of his journey from sports legend to murder suspect to prisoner.

  • When thousands of people across the country tuned in to watch former FBI Director James B. Comey's congressional hearing, I looked back at past hearings that captivated American audiences.

  • Sometimes tragedies serve to remind us of past horrors, as told through the LA Times' archive following the Virginia congressional shooting.




New Voices is a student-powered grassroots movement to give young people the legally protected right to gather information and share ideas about issues of public concern without fear of administrative retribution. In 2016, I ran the entire national program as an intern with the Student Press Law Center. I worked with advocates in law, education, journalism and state legislatures to make schools and colleges more welcoming places for student voices. Now, I co-run the New Voices of Georgia program with Carolyn Carlson, an Associate Professor of Communication in the Journalism and Emerging Media concentration at Kennesaw State University and former national president of the Society of Professional Journalists. If you live in Georgia and are passionate about First Amendment rights, email me to see how you can get involved.

Donald Robertson, former creative director of Estee Lauder, collaborated with Funboy to create mermaid-inspired floats. Photo from the Los Angeles Times.

Donald Robertson, former creative director of Estee Lauder, collaborated with Funboy to create mermaid-inspired floats. Photo from the Los Angeles Times.


Active Voice is a project dedicated to fostering and training young female journalists to deal with and respond to gender-based censorship. Founded at the Student Press Law Center, I helped build the website for its online platform and assisted in ushering in the first-ever class of Active Voice Fellows. I also assisted in collecting and analyzing data on the gender discrimination gap and in creating video diaries of women who, while in college, experienced gender-based censorship. If you’re a member of the Tumblr community and think you’d be interesting in learning more about gender-based censorship, take a look at this page.
